90 Day Kubernetes Challenge

By Mastering Kubernetes

You will build Skills to Deliver any Kubernetes Project

You will become CKA/CKAD Certification Ready

You will Recession Proof your Career with the Latest Technology

What will you learn ?

Download the Curriculum

Download the Weekwise Curriculum to understand what will you learn and how that maps to the CKA and CKAD Exams. 

Live Class Schedule

#1 - Containerize

Learn to build Optimal Container Images by mastering the art of writing Dockerfiles with following topics,

  • Dockerfiles
  • Multi Stage Dockerfiles 
  • Creating Small and Secure Images

#2 - Podificate

Learn to deploy container applications with Kubernetes Pods with the following topics,

  • Pods
  • YAML Spec
  • Multi Container Pods (Sidecar, InitContainers)
  • Volumes 
  • Troubleshooting
  • Resource Mangement
  • Health Checks

#3 - Scalify

Learn to build Scalable, Fault Tolerant and Resilient Applications with the following topics,

  • ReplicaSets
  • Lables and Selectors 
  • Namespaces
  • Contexts
  • Scale vs Autoscale
  • Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)

#4 - Networkidize

Dive into Kubernetes Service Networking to understand,

  • Load Balancing 
  • Exposing Services with NodePort 
  • ClusterIP and Service Discovery 
  • CNI and CNI Plugins 
  • Pod to Pod and Node to Pod Network 
  • Host Networking 

#5 - Deployate

Set up Zero Downtime Deployments and learn about,

  • RollingUpdate 
  • maxSurge and maxUnavailable
  • Rollouts and Rollbacks 
  • Annotations and Change Cause 
  • ConfigMaps 
  • Secrets 

#6 - Persistize

Learn how to provide Persistent Storage and run Stateful Applications with,

  • PersistentVolumes (PVs)
  • PersistentVolumeClaims (PVCs)
  • StorageClasses (SC)
  • Provisioners 
  • StatefulSets 
  • DaemonSets, Cronjobs, Jobs

#7 - Securofy

Learn how to incorporate essential security measures with,

  • Authentication, Authorization and Admission Controllers 
  • RBAC Policies - Roles, RoleBindings, ServiceAccounts 
  • Network Policies - Ingress and Egress
  • Security Contexts 
  • Quotas 

#8 - Helmidize

Learn to deploy apps with Helm, also learn how to templatize and manage manifests with Helm Charts,

  • Helm as a Package Manager 
  • Helm Charts Overview
  • Writing Charts 
  • Templates Overview

#9 - Ingressify

Learn how to setup Application Routing with Ingress Controllers with the following topics,

  • Ingress Controllers 
  • Ingress Rules 
  • CRDs
  • Path based vs Host Based Routing

#10 - Productionize

Learn to setup a Multi Node, Production Like Kubernetes Cluster with,

  • Designing Kubernetes Cluster 
  • Cluster Components Overview
  • Kubeadm/Kubespray 
  • Adding Nodes to a Cluster 
  • Troubleshooting Kubelet/Node Issues

#11 - Adminofy

Learn to Administrate Cluster with the following topics,

  • Setup etcd Backup and Restore 
  • Upgrade Nodes 
  • Drain/Cordon Nodes 
  • Taints and Tolerations 
  • Advanced Scheduling - Affinity/Antiaffinity, Manual Scheduling, Custom Scheduler etc.  

#12 - Examify

Learn about Tricks and Techniques to successfully pass CKA/CKAD Exams.

  • Generating Code Faster
  • Using Resources/Documentation
  • Time Management 

Why Sign up ?

By attendending this Masterclass Series you would not only end up building conceptual foundation on Kubernetes, but also understand what it takes to appear for CKA/CKAD Certification Exams. 

Build Knowledge

Build Knowledge Base

Deep Dive into Concepts

Prepare for CKA/CKAD Certs

All CKA/CKAD Topics Covered

Exam Tricks and Techniques

Learn from CKA Certified 

Learn from CKA Certified Trainer

Learn from Linux Foundation Course Developer

Learn from eDX published Corporate Trainer

Learn directly from the Devops Trainer, Gourav Shah, who has helped thousands of IT professionals from the world's top organisations to master Devops Skills. He has authored official devops courses for Linux Foundation, and is also published on edX. Gourav is on a mission to help a million IT professionals to master Devops Skills using with his Project Centric, AI Assisted Devops Mastery System.









Frequently Asked Questions

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How long will each session be and what all will be covered?

Yes, you will have access to the Live Session Recordings for a Limited Duration. 

Who is this for ?

Anyone who wants to learn Kubernetes and has some background with Information Technology can benefit from this masterclass series. If you want to prepare for CKA/CKAD Certifications, this series will help you build a solid conceptual foundation. 

How should I prepare myself before the webinar?

If you are really serious about becoming a devops professional, bookmark your calendar and attend the live class from start to finish without any distractions. Make sure you are sitting in a quiet place with a notepad, pen, and paper handy.

Can a IT Fresher also become a Kubernetes Professional ?

While Devops Engineer and Kubernetes Experts demand experience, and rightly so, Its possible to get started as entry level positions as a Cloud Engineer, a Devops Associate or a System Engineer where you would get to implement Kubernetes. Gourav would be explainging the career roadmaps for all. 

Will I get access to Recordings ?

While you can attend the Live Sessions for FREE, recordings would be available to our Paid Members. You could check out our Membership Plans and get started with your Kubernetes and Devops Journey. 

Will I get Access to any Projects ?

If you have joined the FREE Masterclass/Webinar Series, you would have acccess to live sessions where you would learn the concepts. If you want to take action and build skills by implementing projects, you could join the Paid Membership where you would get access to Courses, Projects, Community, Group Coaching, Certifications and Badges and Structured Roadmaps. 

Will you be offering any paid programs in the webinar?

Yes. While the Masterclass Series remains free and you could build conceptual foundation with it, Gourav will talk about the membership into the School of Devops community at the end of the webinar/masterclass. When and if you would want to go beyond concepts and want to take action and learn by doing projects, you could choose to be part of it.